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Esther Joy

Copyright © 2011-2020 | Esther Joy Fajoye

In our walks of life, we all reach different stages and undertake different ventures in our own time.

Some people feel pressured by social life stages which define each stage of life we must go through.

Some face pressures from societal traditions and cultures which tell us that we must be at certain places by certain ages. This may include being successful, getting a high paid job, getting married, buying a house, etc. We can easily fall into pressures around us which dictate where we should be in life. Some people may feel that if they do not keep up, then they are a failure or believe that their life is not fulfilled.

However, before we feel overwhelmed about where we are and where we should go, we must remember that no one earth can define our lives; only God defines our lives.


God doesn't want us to live an unfulfilled life and has already prepared our lives with joy and fulfilment. His agenda is not unattainable or shallow. He has promised to lead us on the right path when we ask to receive His guidance and direction.

However, even though we ask for God's direction, we still sometimes grumble about where we are as we walk with Him. Sometimes we want to speed on ahead to the final step so that we don't have to endure the difficult steps along the way.


God puts us in various situations for a reason. We are where He wants us to be, so He wants us to trust the situation He has assigned and called us in (1 Corinthians 7:17).

Don't underestimate the power of God in our current situations because there is always something to learn in every step we take.

If we are not exactly where we want to be, we are not failures. At the time, it may not be ideal and we may feel left behind compared with others who are at certain stages.

However, remember that God's timing is best and He has our best interests at heart. God cares about our situation and is in control.


We should embrace the experiences we are in so that we don't miss great opportunities. It's our experiences that make us strong, firm and steadfast (1 Peter 5:10).

If we are unsure of the purpose of our current situation, don't feel disheartened. Just ask God what we are meant to learn from it.

Don't look at the troubles around you, look at the peace within you and be joyful in God our saviour (Habakkuk 3:18).


We are all on our own individual journeys which come with both burdens and joys. When we look at others, we don't see the burdens they hold or had to bear. Don't wish to trade places with anyone whose current situation looks more ideal than you think it is. God wants us to focus on our own paths, to live and love wherever we are at because He has made each day for us to rejoice in (Psalm 118:24).

So take pride in God who encourages us and brings us happiness despite our troubles (2 Corinthians 7:4).



Esther ♥

Trusting the situation God has placed us in

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