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Esther Joy

Copyright © 2011-2020 | Esther Joy Fajoye

We are safe in the arms of God

Isaiah 59:1 - 'Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.'

This verse is so comforting, because it reminds us that we are never too far from God. Wherever we are, God will always be near and close to us.

No matter how far we wander off, how lost we are or how deep in the water we get, we will always be within God's radar to hear us when we call for help, and he will reach out his arms to save us and bring us back to him.


We may occasionally have things going on in our lives which can seem a bit difficult and challenging and things may seem far and out of our reach. But its very encouraging to remember that God is always close to us and will take us to where we need to go. Whatever we are going through, God will deliver us out of all our afflictions (Psalm 34:19).

God is also close to everything that goes on in our lives. If there are situations in our lives which are important to of us, then it's also important to God, because he cares about what we care about.

There is nothing on this earth that is out of God's grasp for him to hold on to and hand over to us.


God is so faithful that even though he are forever within his reach, he will never drag us to him and he will never force us to come to him. Instead he keeps a watchful eye on us and waits for us to call out to him whenever we need guidance and support to bring us back on the right track.

God's ears are always attentive to our calls and prayers (1 Peter 3:12). He hears our cries for help and answers us (Isaiah 30:19)

When we draw near to God, he draws near to us (James 4:8). So whenever we call out to God, and get close to God, he draws closer to us so that we can grab hold of his hand. When God takes hold of our hand, we feel secure and safe. God's hands are strong enough to sustain us, and his arms also give us strength (Psalm 89:21).


Think of the feeling when you shake someone's hand after an agreement or partnership deal. When someone has a very firm handshake, your hands feel gripped and you can feel that person's strength and for that moment during that handshake, you feel secure. Many job interviewers reckon that they can tell if a person is strong and trustworthy if they have a very firm handshake. When God holds on to our hand, he wants us to feel his strength so that we can trust and have total faith and confidence him and in all his promises. He also wants us to feel safe and secured.

This is why he tells us, 'Do not fear, for I am with you...I will strengthen you and help you and uphold you with my righteous right hand.' (Isaiah 41:10).

This is God's promise to us. God also wants to have a firm partnership with us because he calls us his friends, and so will do anything for us.


Whatever we may be going through or what stressful thoughts or burdens are playing in our minds, we need to remember that we are never too far away for God to save us.

There is never a situation, obstacle or trial too hard for God to handle.

We must have complete trust in God and cast all our cares, worries, stresses and commitments to God, so that we can rest in his strong arms of love.


Esther ♥

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