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Esther Joy

Copyright © 2011-2020 | Esther Joy Fajoye


Deuteronomy 28:1-14 is a great passage, it's a perfect reminder of God's promises for us!

In that passage, God talks about all the blessings and rewards he will give us when we fully obey him.

He says he will 'set us high above all the nations on earth... we will be 'blessed in the city and blessed in the country.' (verses 1- 3), wherever we go.

He also says he will establish us and make us 'the head, not the tail' and we will 'always be on top, never at the bottom.' (verse 13)


God offers us security and protection from whatever comes our way, prosperity and also a special relationship with him in exchange for obedience, which should come naturally to us if we love Him.

John 14:15 says, 'If you love me, you will obey my command.' When we love someone, we want to make them happy and wouldn't like to do anything that will hurt or upset them. That's why God says we will obey his commands if we love him, because his love should keep us faithful and focused on him so we can receive all his blessings,


The special relationship we get is like a partnership with God. John 15:10-15, says that if we obey God's commands and remain in His love, He will call us his friends, not servants but his friend.

We can be sure of all God's promises, because he provided these blessings to all those who were obedient and faithful to him at all times.

Job remained faithful and obedient throghout all his troubles and he was rewarded with all these blessings and his generation was also blessed. Abraham was faithful and was called God's friend. (James 2:23)


God keeps his promises and he started it from when we were born. From the beginning, God says he 'knows the plans he has for us... plans to posper us and not to harm us.' (Jerimiah 29:11)

When God starts something, he is faithful to complete it

Philippians 1:6 - 'Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.'

So if God has plans to bless and posper us all our lives, He will do whatever it takes to fulfil it. That's why he gives us so many chances when we fall short to come back to obedience so we don't miss out.


But many people may love God and obey his words but still worry about their situations or where they are going.

Or some may think "why me...? Why would God bless me..., I'm nothing special...?"

But one part of human nature is to put ourselves down. God doesn't see us like we see ourselves. God wants the best for us.

He takes us as we are, he loves us and we are 'precious and honoured in his sight,' and he will 'always be with us.' (Isaiah 43:4-5)


God's Word says that these blessings are our own rewards for obedience. It's for every single one of us.

We must remember it and believe it! The enemy knows that he is never going to receive these blessings and tries to use tactics to make us worry and doubt that we cannot receive it or brings condemnation and reminders of our past mistakes to make us think we are not worthy of God's love or blessings.

But this isn't true! If we allow the enemy to make us think this way, then we wonder why we may not be receiving our blessings yet.

We have to 'stop doubting and believe,' (John 20:27) hold on to what is rightfully ours and claim these blessings as our own!



Esther ♥

A reminder of God's promises for us!

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