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Esther Joy

Copyright © 2011-2020 | Esther Joy Fajoye

It's that time of year again; the festive season has already begun. Many people are preparing to get into the Christmas spirit and celebrate Christmas.

Society tells us that if we don't give out Christmas cards, have a Christmas tree up or sing Christmas songs, then we don't have the Christmas spirit.

But what is the true 'Christmas spirit?'


Christmas is a celebration of Christ's birth. He came for a purpose and this purpose was to bring light and new life. This was God's gift to us.

Jesus was born through a woman, under human law (Galatians 4:4), so that he could live amongst humans and experience human emotions. This is why Christ grew a soft spot for humankind. His favour rested on us (Luke 2:14). This is why he was able to go through his death and bear our sins, just so that he could bring us new life, salvation, hope and a future.


The same love, hope and grace that Jesus used to conquer death, was born with Christ.

Christmas is not just about the birth of Christ, but also about the birth of true hope, light, promise and ultimate salvation. Christ's birth was the beginning of these promises. It was all produced on the foundation of His love.

This is a priceless gift God gave to us. It's ours to keep and hold on to because it can never fail us!

Christ is still the source of all our hope. His love still remains the same and His promise still endures.


We were not called to celebrate Santa, tinsel and materialism at Christmas, but to serve and celebrate our King, Jesus Christ, The King of Kings!

He was born in a stable for such a purpose and during a critical time. He then rose from the grave and conquered death and darkness to bring us light, eternal life and hope. That's the real Christmas spirit!

So as we celebrate Christmas, however it may be, let's remember the 'good news of great joy' - Luke 2:10.

Before the festive celebrations, before the gifts and seasonal greetings, let's remember to keep Christ at the centre and focus of Christmas.

Keep Christ in our hearts and celebrate God's precious gift to us, His one and only son and all the blessings He freely gave to us.


That is what Christmas is about. It's the celebration and remembrance of God's precious gift to us, which we must share in remembrance of Him and bless others.

We freely received this gift and so we must continue sharing the good news and keep the true Christmas spirit alive!


Merry Christmas :)


Esther ♥

Jesus Christ:

The centre & focus of Christmas

jesus heart of christmas
jesus - reason for the season
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