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Esther Joy

Copyright © 2011-2020 | Esther Joy Fajoye

Have you ever had moments of anticipation and looked forward to something in excitement? You often feel eager and content, particularly if that moment had been a long time coming. Anticipating and looking forward to tomorrow help us to endure and get through the trials and troubles of today. This is because we know that tomorrow is a new day and goodness will soon come.


God knows that life is tough and we go through challenges every day. He wants us to endure the hard times as He guarantees that joy will come in the morning - (Psalm 30:5).

God promises a bright future for us which has already been prepared in advance, before our very existence. This we know for sure because God has told us that before we were born, He knew us and set us apart – (Jeremiah 1:5).

The only thing we don't know is the exact moment that our destiny and purpose will come to pass, but we can be assured that it will definitely come.


God cannot lie or change His mind - (Numbers 23:19). Therefore, when He says He will provide or do something, God will not fail to act because He is dependable and reliable.

The challenge for us is to stay faithful and patient as we wait for these promises to be fulfilled in our lives. This can be difficult, because we live in a world where we can get pretty much anything we want on demand. We have the internet on our fingertips to get a variety of things, from clothes, to food and groceries without even having to leave our homes. We can even instantly contact people all over the world through emails and telephone as opposed to pre-technology days where we would communicate via letters and have to wait several days or weeks for a response.


We often forget that there are no same-day delivery short cuts to receiving God's promises.

If we knew exactly when we will receive everything that is to come from God, then there is no excitement or mystery period because we would already know when things are going to happen.

God's methods and ways of working will always remain a mystery. We can't understand God's mysteries as they are 'higher than the heavens and deeper than the depths below' – (Job 11:7-9). The main thing we know about God is that He always fulfils His Word and He has promised to give us a hope and a future and not harm us – (Jeremiah 29:11). Therefore we can trust in His ways, even when we don't understand and look forward to all that He has in store for us.


We can't fully comprehend all that God has in store for us, but we can be assured that it will be great!

'No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him' – (1 Corinthians 2:9).

We just need to rely on God's strength to be able to endure, remain patient and faithful as we eagerly await His fulfilment, rewards and promising future.

The joy of being a Christian is related to our hope and anticipation of His promises, which enables us to serve God with peace, joy and patience.



Esther ♥

Anticipation –

Eagerly awaiting God’s promises

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